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How to Give

Stewardship of Time

Prayer - Spending Time with God

Stewardship involves spending time with God. In recognizing that every day is a gift from God, we strive to spend some of each day with God through prayer, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, scripture reading, quiet time, meditation and other spiritual activities. During this time, we ask God how He wants us to use the gifts He has given to us.


Stewardship of Talent

Participation - Sharing Talent 

Stewardship involves sharing talent. In recognizing that God has given each individual unique skills and talents, so that together we can do the work of Our Lord, we strive to share our own talents and to encourage and welcome others to also use their talents to participate in the mission and ministry of the Church.


Stewardship of Treasure​​​​​​

Generosity - Giving Treasure 

Stewardship involves giving treasure. Giving time and talent does not excuse us from giving treasure. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus challenged us to give as it has been given to us. Aware of our tremendous financial blessings, we should strive to give generously to support the building up of God's Kingdom. In recognizing tithing as an important sacrificial goal, although this level of giving may not be immediately possible, we should be aware of what percentage of our treasure that we are giving back to God.  Are we regularly striving to increase our generosity by making regular, incremental increases in our giving?

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