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Funeral Arrangements

This web page contains some resources for making funeral arrangements for a loved one. Some people also choose to pre-plan their own funerals, so that their wishes are known.
If you have had a death in your family and need to reach someone to make arrangements, please call a local funeral home. They will call the church to schedule the Funeral Mass.

“In the face of death, the Church confidently proclaims that God has created each person for eternal life and that Jesus, the Son of God, by his death and resurrection, has broken the chains of sin and death that bound humanity.”  [Vatican Council II, Sacrosanctum Concilium, 5]
The principal liturgies in the Order of Christian Funerals are: (1) the Vigil for the Deceased, (2) the Funeral Mass or Funeral Liturgy Outside Mass, and (3) the Rite of Committal.

  • Vigil – A priest, deacon, or a qualified lay minister may preside at the Vigil service. This is an appropriate time for family and friends to share memories of the deceased.

  • Funeral Mass or Funeral Liturgy Outside Mass – The Church will supply a presider (priest/deacon), cantor, organist and a funeral program, if requested. 

Here are some things you may want to consider:

Scripture Readings – You may choose three readings (plus a Psalm which is part of the "Music" selection listed below). If you wish more information, the parish library has a copy of the book: "Through Death to Life" by Joseph M. Champlin. 

Music – The Church will provide a cantor, an organist, and guidance for musical selections.

Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd
Psalm 27: The Lord is my Light
Psalm 63: My soul is thirsting for you
Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind
Psalm 116: I will walk before the Lord

Reflection – One family member or friend may offer a brief reflection during the funeral service (2-3 minutes). However, the preferred time for family and friends to share memories of the deceased is at the Vigil.

Program – The funeral program can be provided by the funeral home, or can be provided by the church, if requested.

Family Involvement - Some opportunities for friends/family to be involved in the liturgy are: readers (2 people); a short (5-minute maximum) reflection by one person; pallbearers (2-6 people); and a qualified, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. The church can supply people for these roles, if requested.


  • Rite of Committal – This Rite is very short (about 5-minutes long). The presider may be a priest, deacon, or a qualified lay minister. The Rite takes place at graveside or the columbarium, at the request of the family.

Donations: There is no charge to celebrate a funeral liturgy/mass at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Church. The organist and cantor are paid $100 each, if the family has requested their services; and most families assume this cost by writing checks made out directly to those individuals.

In our experience, families generally make additional gifts to others involved in the funeral (priest; deacon), in the range of $100-$250 each. Should you desire to do so, checks should be made out directly to the individual. Should you desire to give a gift to the parish, the check can be made out to St. Gabriel Church.

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