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Children's Faith Development

Pre-K - 5th Grade

We assist in religious formation for children Pre-K (minimum 5 years of age) through the 5th Grade, in order to help each child encounter Jesus. We pray that their participation in this elementary faith development process will be a time of growth in their faith, prayer, and love of Christ. Every program we offer invites the Holy Spirit, and includes an openness to adapt to the needs of your family while holding firmly to the teachings of our Catholic faith.

Youth Ministry

We know the junior high and high school years can be a time of incredible challenge and change for our parish children. It is also a time that provides opportunities for children to grow and become more knowledgeable about their Catholic faith; and to become more actively involved members of our parish community. 

The core of St. Gabriel’s Youth Ministry is spiritual development. We meet together to talk about our Catholic faith; to learn about the traditions and teachings of the Church; and to become better disciples of Christ. Our activities include retreats, trips, social events, service projects and more!

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